
Our guidance papers seek to educate and overview good practices across a range of topics including Responsible Investment, Governance, Culture & Diversity, and more.

These Toolbox items are for practical use by the industry and are separate from the comply-or-explain approach to the Alternative Investment Standards. If you have any questions regarding our Toolbox items or would like to provide input, please contact [email protected].

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Alternative Credit

Alternative Credit investments continue to increase in relevance and have their own unique considerations.



Investment in China, through onshore and offshore managers, is increasingly becoming of interest to global allocators.



Co-Investments are increasing in popularity, but governance and compliance challenges need to be carefully managed.

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Culture & Diversity

Cognitive diversity is required to maintain a thriving and dynamic industry, and inclusive cultures are necessary to achieve this.

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Cyber Security

Cyber crime is an ever increasing and evolving threat to organisations of all sizes.


Digital Assets

Digital assets are increasingly common in more traditional hedge fund strategies, alongside the growth of dedicated funds.

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Strengthening governance arrangements and facilitating better investor due diligence is at the heart of the SBAI.


Insurance-Linked Funds (ILS Funds)

Valuation and risk reporting in Insurance Linked Strategies (ILS) have become areas of heightened scrutiny from investors.



Deep-dive into raising capital in the Japanese market.

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Operational Risk

Business operations pose both a risk and opportunity for investment managers to exhibit excellence.

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Private Markets

Private market investing has grown in importance, but requires additional considerations

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Responsible Investment

Practical implementation of Responsible Investment in alternative investment strategies is a growing area of interest.

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Small Managers