
Managers accounting for approximately $3tn have demonstrated their commitment to improving the alternative investment industry by becoming Signatories to the Standards. The Standards are applicable to all managers, regardless of their size and length of operation. 

Why and How to Become a Signatory?

Why to Join?

By becoming a Signatory you can:

  • Demonstrate to investors and regulators that you are committed to responsible standards of practice by signing up to the Alternative Investment Standards on a comply-or-explain basis
  • Collaborate with investors to improve industry outcomes through ongoing working group sessions
  • Participate in a global programme of educational and networking events
  • Have a voice in how the industry operates by participating in consultation processes to improve the Standards
  • Improve the efficiency of investor due diligence and monitoring through standardisation of common processes

How to Join

  • Join online and once your application has been approved, you can move to the next step. Please contact us at [email protected], if you have difficulties submitting your application form online.
  • Work through the Standards to ensure you are either in compliance with or able to explain a given Standard. You have up to six months to complete the process
  • Once you have achieved conformity, please submit the completed Conformity and Disclosure Statements via our website
  • Make your Disclosure Statement available to investors on request 
    • We will then issue a Signatory kite mark (valid for 12 months, which you can use on your website or marketing materials), as well as the invoice. Signatory funding is based on the manager's AUM, please click here
  • Annually renew your conformity with the Standards



List of Signatories

400 Capital Management LLC
ABC arbitrage Asset Management
Addenda Capital
Acasta Partners
AlphaQuest LLC
Alpha West Capital Partners
Alyeska Investment Group
Amber Capital
AnglePoint Asset Management Ltd
Arcus Investment Ltd
Aregence Capital Management**
Aspect Capital
Astignes Capital Asia Pte Ltd
Balyasny Asset Management L.P.
Bastion Asset Management Inc.
Bayview Asset Management LLC**
BlackRock Investment Management
Boussard & Gavaudan
Bridgewater Associates
Brummer & Partners*
Brummer & Partners Asset Management (UK)
Brummer Multi-Strategy AB
Canyon Partners, LLC
Capital Fund Management
Carbon Cap Management LLP
Chepstow Lane Capital LLP
Cheyne Capital Management*
Contour Asset Management AB
Crabel Capital Management
Cryder Capital Partners
Dorsal Capital Management LLC
DSC Meridian Capital
Dymon Asia Capital (Singapore) Pte. Ltd
Effissimo Capital Management Pte Ltd
Elementum Advisors, LLC
First Beijing
Florin Court Capital
Folios Invest Ltd
Formula Growth Ltd
Galliant Advisors
GaoTeng Global Asset Management Ltd
GCI Asset Management
GLG Partners*
Golden Nest Capital Management (Hong Kong) Co. Limited**
Golden Pine Asset Management Ltd
GoldenTree Asset Management
Gopher Redwoods Asset Management
Graham Capital Management
Grand Alliance Asset Management
Hel Ved Capital Management Limited
Heritage Capital Management Pte Ltd
Hiscox Re Insurance Linked Strategies
Hudson Structured Capital Management Ltd
IKOS CIF Limited
Integral ILS
Ionic Capital Management
IXI Fund Managers Ltd
Jasper Capital International
Jasper Capital Hong Kong Limited
Katamaran Capital LLP
Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors, L.P.
Kepos Capital
Kersley Street Capital
Kodai Capital Management
Lakefront Asset Management
Leadenhall Capital Partners
Leucadia Asset Management LLC
LibreMax Capital, LLC
Lodbrok Capital LLP
LongTail Alpha, LLC**
Lotus Asset Management Ltd**
Lynx Asset Management AB
Magnetar Capital
Man Investments Ltd (AHL)*
Marshall Wace*
Martlet Asset Management
Menai Financial Group LLC
Mingshi Investment Management Ltd

Millennium Management LLC
Minority Asset Management Ltd
Misaki Capital
MKP Capital Management LLC
Nephila Capital Ltd
Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited
Nordis Capital
Nordkinn Asset Management
Northwest Investment Management (HK)
Numeric Investors LLC
Oasis Management Company Ltd
Ocean Arete Limited
One William Street Capital Management
Orchard Global
Otus Capital Management
Ovata Capital Management Limited
Palekana Ltd
PEO Partners
Periscope Capital Inc
Perseverance Asset Management International
Pictet Asset Management
Polar Asset Management Partners
Polus Capital Management Limited
Polymer Capital Management (HK) Ltd
Qblue Balanced A/S
Quadriga Asset Management
Quantica Capital
RBC BlueBay Asset Management
Renaissance Technologies LLC
Ren Bridge Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.**
Rockhampton Management Ltd
ROW Asset Management
Schroders Capital ILS
SCOR Investment Partners**
Sculptor Capital Management*
Securis Investment Partners LLP
SMN Investment Services GMBH
Springs Capital
Strategic Capital
Strategic Value Partners LLC
Swiss Re Insurance-Linked Investment Advisors Corporation**
Swiss Re Insurance-Linked Investment Management AG
Sylebra Capital
Systematica Investments Limited
Taconic Capital Advisors
Tangency Capital Ltd
Timefolio Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd
Trium Capital LLP
Trustbridge Partners
Two Sigma Investments
Ubiquant Asset Management Co., Ltd
Varick Capital Partners LP
Versor Investments
Voss Capital
Waterfall Asset Management
Welton Investment Partners
Winton Capital Management*
Wellington Alternative Investments, LLC
Whitebox Advisors LLC
Y2 Capital Partners Limited
Zebedee Capital Partners LLP
Zhong Ou Rabbit (Hong Kong) Assets Management Limited**

Managed Account Platforms
Innocap Investment Management Inc.
Innocap Global Investment Management Ltd
OP Investment Management Ltd (OPIM)

* Founders
** Conformity in progress