This is the inaugural episode from our newly launched SBAI and Morgan Lewis Regulatory Compliance podcast series. It is co-hosted by Christine Ayako Schleppegrell, Partner at Morgan Lewis and Brian Digney, Research and Content Director at the SBAI. This new collaboration aims to provide valuable insights into regulatory developments impacting the alternative investment industry.
In the wake of the reversal of the SEC’s Private Fund Adviser Rules, the weight of transparency and fairness in alternative funds now lies on managers and investors.
The SBAI supports the latest efforts by the regulators to understand and address any potential risks emanating from non-bank financial institutions (NBFI) and welcomes findings which indicate resilience in the financial system despite prior concerns.
In our response to this Consultation, we outline our thoughts on how existing industry practices could be improved to achieve the desired outcomes, while highlighting our concerns in relation to the publication of early details related to ongoing enforcement cases.
Over the last months, we have continued to engage and meet with the US SEC on a range of proposed rules – raising specific concerns about the unintended consequences of the Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets Rule and the Predictive Analytics Rule.