Investor Chapter

We are supported by institutional investors

We collaborate with the investor community through our Investor Chapter comprising pension and endowment funds, sovereign wealth funds, fund of hedge funds, private banks and family offices. We also closely work through our mutual observer relationship with the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF), whose members represent 80% of global sovereign wealth funds. Our Investor Chapter members manage $6tn in assets. 

Why and How to Join Investor Chapter?

Why to Join Investor Chapter?

By joining Investor Chapter you can:

  • Collaborate with global peers and asset managers to improve industry outcomes through ongoing working group sessions
  • Demonstrate that you are committed to responsible standards of practice by encouraging the adoption of the Alternative Investment Standards by asset managers
  • Stay up-to-date on current industry issues by participating in our programme of global educational and networking events
  • Have a voice in how the industry operates by participating in consultation processes to improve the Standards
  • Improve the efficiency of due diligence and monitoring through standardisation of common processes

How to Join

  • Join online and complete the Application and Information forms
  • Once accepted, you will be sent an invoice and added to the SBAI website under Investor Chapter

Investor Chapter annual contribution:

  • Institutional Investor: 2,000 GBP
  • Funds of Funds, Insurers: 5,000 GBP
  • Investor wishing to become a Core Supporter: 35,000 GBP



List of Investor Chapter Members

Aalto University Foundation
Aktia Asset Management
Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation
Alberta Investment Management Corporation
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Annuitas Management Limited
APG Asset Management
Asset Management One Alternative Investments, Ltd
Australian Retirement Trust
Avanda Investment Management
Bimcor Inc.
Blackstone Multi-Asset Investing (BXMA)
British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCI)
Brighwell (Formerly BT Pension Scheme)
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Cantor Fitzgerlad
Carnegie Corporation of New York
CERN Pension Fund
Challenger Life
Champalimaud Foundation
Church Commissioners for England
Church Pension Fund
Clocktower Group LP
Columbia University Investment Management Company
Corbin Capital Partners
CN Pension Fund
CPP Investments
Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company
Employees Retirement System of Texas
Ericsson Pensionsstiftelse
Ferd AS
Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado
Florida State Board of Administration
Fondaction CSN
Fonds de solidarité FTQ
Fullerton Fund Management
Future Fund Australia
GCM Grosvenor
General Electric Pension Trust
GROW Asset Management (HK) Limited
Gulf Investment Corporation
Harvard Management Company, Inc.
Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
HSBC Alternative Investments Ltd
Income Insurance Limited
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company
Investment Management Corporation of Ontario

Japan Post Bank
J Paul Getty Trust
JRT Partners
Kliff Capital
LAB Limited
LGT Capital Partners
Mandatum Asset Management
Maryland State Retirement and Pension System
Mitsui & Co. Pension Fund
Morgan Stanley Investment Management
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Investment Office
New Holland Capital
New Zealand Superannuation Fund
Noah Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited
Office of the New York City Comptroller
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
OP Asset Management
OPSEU Pension Trust
Pacific Eagle Asset Management Pte Ltd
Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System
Persistent Asset Management
Pictet Alternative Investments
Pinechip Capital GmbH
PRI Pensionsgaranti
PSP Investments
RIT Capital Partners Plc
RockCreek Group
Rotary International
Silver Creek Capital Management LLC
Singapore Life Ltd
Singapore University of Social Sciences
State of Wisconsin Investment Board
TCorp (NSW Treasury Corporation)
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
The Regents of the University of California
The Rockefeller University
The State Pension Fund of Finland (VER)
Trans-Canada Capital (TCC)
Union Bancaire Privée
Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd
University of Toronto Asset Management
University of Southern California
University Pension Plan Ontario
Utah Retirement Systems
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company
Veritas Pension Insurance
Victorian Funds Management Corporation
West Virginia Investment Management