2024 London ILS Roundtable

Join us in London, for our first ILS dedicated event. This event will bring together key players to discuss the evolving alternative insurance market. Explore insights and trends as we navigate this changing landscape.


13:30: Registration 

13:50: Welcome Remarks 

14:00: Keynote Speaker: Philippe Trahan

  • Reflections and lessons from Insurance Investing

  • Thoughts and insights on the role ILS can play as part of an institutional portfolio


14:45: Panel: Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Insurance-Linked Strategies

  • How do managers include climate risk as part of their modelling and structuring efforts?


15:30: Coffee Break

15:45: Concurrent Panels: 

Introduction to Investing in Insurance Linked Strategies

  • Introduction to ILS Investing

  • How can investors gain exposure to this asset class?

  • Understanding the risk profile of ILS

  • Unique features of ILS – How should investors think of ILS compared to other asset classes?



Differentiation through Disclosure: How to meet the needs of Institutional Investors

  • Experienced investors communicate their goals and objectives related to ILS investing – What do investors need?

  • ESG Reporting – Swiss working group overview and update

  • Open Protocol – An overview of the importance of a consistent framework for risk reporting



16:30: Panel: Bridging the Gap

  • How have investors got their ‘boards on board’ with ILS as an asset class? What are some of the key considerations?

  • What is the outlook for the asset class moving forward?

17:00: Reception

More speakers and agenda details to be announced soon.